

Monday, March 29, 2010

Arts & Entertainment

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Hey… all you musicians, DJ’s, hip hop artists and rappers…

Listen up… what’s the one thing every piece of music you play or write absolutely needs?

C’mon – this isn’t a trick question…

It's a Beat.

The pulsing life blood of any score. Without it, your music doesn't exist.

Next question ...

How do you come up with those repeating syncopations, a new one for each score you write, time after time after time?

How do you mix n’ match the right beat to the right music, using the exact instruments, sounds and effects racing through your mind?

Yeah, the creativity is definitely there. Your music and your career is depending upon the beats you make, but blasting out those hot cadences sure takes time.

If you’re like most of us – affording a state of the art professional sound sequencer is simply out of the question. The big bucks you need just aren’t there yet.

But hang onto your keyboard, because I got some break out news coming your way - and it’s sure gonna sound sweet!

Interested? (Hell… you should be!) Then here goes…

The Hands-Down Absolute BEST
BEAT Production Machine On The Web…


Who needs all that fancy hardware, when you can get the exact same professional results just by going online?

It’s called SONIC PRODUCER – and this awesome app is so off the charts good, it flat-out runs rings around anything else you’re gonna find on the web.

You'll literally have one of the most powerful, extensive & cutting edge music sequencers found anywhere – at any price – at your command.

So what makes this bad-boy beat machine so hands-down excellent?

Just take a look at these specs…

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