

Monday, March 29, 2010

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If you can spend 3-4 hours a day playing videos games, then I can show you how you can let those bills pay itself while you have some serious fun.

My name is T.S. Sanders, my friends call me"T Dub"… And for the last few years I've been paid by some of the biggest game publishers to play their newest game titles.

It was a career I never thought existed, so incredible that most of my friends didn't believe me when I explained what I did for a living. Some still don't.

But I'm getting ahead of myself...

Bear with me because 30 minutes from now, after I tell you what I know, you can start making $15 an hour (or even more) playing videos games. So let me explain how this works.

There are plenty of people out to cheat your hard earned money.

Last time I searched on Google, there are more than 46,300,000 sites on the internet claiming to teach you how to make money playing video games online. Be very careful of those offers because I was burned by all them them when I got started.

First, there are websites promising $135 per hour job offers in the video game industry. After signing up for a few of them for $9.97 - $197.00 each (I was gullible then), I received only a handful of job offers over a period of 9 months. Worse still, they NEVER honor their refund policy, shut down their sites, and disappeared with my money.

Next, there are self-appointed "industry insiders" who claim to have connections with hiring managers for game development companies. Pay them an upfront fee and a percentage of your salary, and they'll give you a job. Even today, I never had to pay them their commission because they flee quickly once they have my money.

Then, there are membership sites giving dangerous advice on how to play games for money. You pay them $47 for the some information you can find readily available on the internet, and before you know it, your credit card gets charged $47 every month for your "membership privileges".

My advice: When you see offers like that online, shut down your browser window and run for your life. Personally, I will NEVER touch another offer like that with an 11 foot pole even if I'm paid to do so. I believe you should never pay anyone to work in a job.

There is, however, a genuine and fully legal way to earn money playing video games. In fact, most people don't even know this industry is fully backed by reputable game publishing companies, and I have relied on them to finance my expensive game addiction for years.

And I have the proof. My own career took off from nothing when I learned the secrets I'm about to share with you.

When I got started, I was making only $8 an hour at a local video rental shop. My income jumped to $30 an hour testing the newest games for a video game developer. With only 25 hours a week, I was making $750 a week – that's more than double of what I used to make working 40 hours a week!

By the end of the year, I was working a full 40 hour work schedule and making $1200 a week. I haven't looked back since.

Get Your Hands On The #1 Rated Guide That's Jam Packed With The Most Commonly Asked Police Oral Board Interview Questions (And Answers) As Well As Tips, Tricks and Secrets That Guarantee You a Successful Oral Board Interview

If you’re dead serious about staring an exciting career in law enforcement and you’d like to learn the “insider” secrets to help you absolutely ace your police oral board interview, then this may be the most important message you’ll ever read.

Here’s why…

As a certified police oral board rater with over 16 years of “hands-on” police interview experience, I regularly spend 8 to 10 hours a day sitting across the table from new police applicants just like you.

It's my job to rate, grade and assess new police applicants through the police oral exam to determine their suitability to be hired as police officers. I do this by asking some pretty tough questions… questions that give me insight into your honesty, integrity, and job knowledge…as well as your judgment and reasoning abilities… all of which are scored through several complex scenario type questions.

I’ll be honest…passing the police oral board interview definitely isn’t easy. The police interview questions that will be asked during the police interview will be unlike anything you’ve ever been asked before. In fact, the police oral interview is likely to be one of the most nerve-racking things you’ll ever go through.

You see, research shows the biggest hurdle to you landing a job in law enforcement is the dreaded police oral board interview. In fact, police oral boards eliminate more prospective police applicants than all other parts of the police testing process…combined!

I’ve recently put together the most comprehensive resource available to help you land a job in law enforcement. It’s called Ace Your Police Oral Board Interview and it’s really a $500 police oral board preparation seminar all crammed into an “A to Z” success guide that guarantees you a top spot on the police hiring list.

Because let’s face it. If you’re not 100% ready to absolutely “smoke” your police oral interview…or if you’re thinking that just passing is enough to get you hired…you are COMPLETELY misinformed.

It just doesn’t work that way!

The police interview is your very last opportunity to shine! With an average of 107 other people competing for each open slot, you can’t afford to come into the police oral boards unprepared. Because when you do, it’s incredibly easy for so many other people to score higher than you…

And when someone scores higher than you on the police oral board interview, they’ll appear to be the better choice.


Do you want to learn how to sell tickets online?
Make 50-300% profits INSTANTLY with The Ticket Broker Guide. You’ll learn exactly how to get the best tickets and sell 'em for big bucks just like the pros do!

Jam-packed with over 200 pages about selling concert & sports tickets online - here’s what’s included:
Different ticket selling strategies to maximize your exposure and profits
Know what seats to buy
Knowing how close an event is to selling out
Maximizing your chances of getting the best tickets
Tons of professional ticket broker secrets
Different shipping methods to ship your tickets
Key techniques for nailing profitable events
Dealing with last minute sales - it’s never too late for a sale
When to buy tickets and when to release them
Learn how Ticketmaster releases tickets
Knowing the demand during an “onsale”
How to properly sell Ticketfast tickets
When and where to sell your tickets
Knowing if an event is actually “sold out”
Keeping your ticket inventory organized

And many more topics that I can’t list here because professional ticket brokers would be LIVID if they found out I’m giving their secrets to YOU.
Learn How To Become A Ticket Broker & Work From Home

Buying and selling tickets is a great way to work from home. And becoming a ticket broker is EXTREMELY popular with University students because it requires little capital to start up and you can start making 50-300% immediately. You can also set your own hours and decide how much time you want to spend working. The Ticket Broker Guide is going to fast track the learning curve so you can dive right in and start making money right away.
122 NFL, MLB, NBA & NHL Ticket Resale Predictions

Ever wondered what teams the professional ticket brokers buy tickets for and what ones they avoid? You ’ll find out in the Sports Predictions section of the Ticket Broker Guide. You’ll learn how to sell tickets for every team in the NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL. Learn more about these powerful event predictions…
Power Rankings & Event Predictions For The 50 Biggest Markets Across North America

If you want to learn how to sell tickets, you need to know what markets to target and what ones to avoid. I rank the 50 top markets across North America from best to worst so you can see exactly where the money is, what tickets sell better where, and what ones to avoid. These are the exact methods professional ticket brokers use to determine what tickets they buy. Learn more about Market Predictions…
Learn EXACTLY How To Sell Profitable Tickets With Your Own Research Checklist

Get access to insider tips and tricks for determining profitable tickets. I'll tell you exactly what things to research to make sure you buy only the right tickets. This 3 page checklist is worth the price of the Guide alone because it tells you everything you need to know about buying & selling tickets. This checklist is not available anywhere else except in the Ticket Broker Guide!
Ticketmaster Tricks & Tips The Pros Use For Getting The Best Tickets

You ’ll be blown away when you learn how the pros get the best seats. Now you can get them too, because you’ll learn how Ticketmaster releases seats and not to fall into their trap. You’ll never buy tickets the same when you learn how the right way to BEAT Ticketmaster.
100% Legal Techniques That Anyone Can Use

You can take comfort in knowing that I only endorse 100% legal techniques that anyone can use. I don ’t promote spinners (illegal programs for buying blocks of tickets) or any other scams. This Guide can be safely used by anyone, and anyone can get the tickets they want.
Over 200 Pages Of Ticket Selling Goodness

By far the largest guide for learning how to sell tickets available! Low in fat - HIGH in content. This guide is jam-packed with killer secrets for buying and selling profitable tickets. You’ll be drooling over every page. And don’t worry, it’s an easy read. You won’t have to wade through pages and pages of techy mumbo jumbo. I explain everything in easy to read steps and have broken the guide up into these sections:
An Introduction to Buying & Selling Tickets
How To Research Profitable Tickets
How To Buy Tickets
How To Sell Tickets
Shipping Your Tickets
Market Ticket Resale Predictions
Sports Ticket Resale Predictions

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